Wednesday 29 March 2017

Consequences Of High Cost Of Living

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What is cost of living? Well, it is the amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of living, including basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes and health care. What will happen if the cost of living is high? If the cost of living is high, that will mean that the prices of things will increase and our daily expenses will be higher. Consequences of high cost of living can be positive and negative. Below are some examples.

Negative consequences of high cost of living

When the cost of living is high, things will get more expensive and it will be harder for people to purchase. In order to purchase the thing that one wants, one will have to wait for a longer time to save up enough money for that particular thing. If people were to live in a place with a high cost of living, they might feel more stress and unhappy as they need to work harder to achieve what they want.

Positive consequences of high cost of living

Living in a place with a high cost of living can teach people how to spend their money wisely and manage their money carefully. This can also help people to save up more money for future uses. Besides that, spending money wisely means that we do not buy unnecessary things and by doing so, we can help to reduce wastage.

Hence, we can see that there are positive and negative consequences of high cost of living and that there are more positive consequences that will benefit both the people and the country.

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