Sunday 26 March 2017

Similarities between Singapore and China's culture

Image result for singapore and china relationship

From what I learnt, culture involves the 4Fs: Festivals, Fashion, Folk and Food. Understanding one's culture is not something that can be done overnight, we need time to do so. I think that understanding Festivals, Fashion and Food is easier than understanding Folk. We can spend less than a week to understand their Festivals, Fashion and Food just by going around the city and roam at those places where it is related to that culture, try out their food, look at the different types of traditional costumes they wear and talk to the people there or search up online to know what are their festivals. Whereas for Folk, it is harder to do so because it is related to their religions and it is more complicated for us to understand. Hence, I think that understanding one's culture is hard, but if we are willing to put in the time and effort to learn about their culture, I don't see how understanding one's culture is impossible.

Now let's talk about the similarities and differences between Singapore's and China's culture. The similarities between Singapore's and China's culture is that in both countries, we celebrate Chinese New Year, there is also Chinese cuisine in both countries and both countries practice the value of showing respect to the elders. The differences between Singapore's and China's culture is that in Singapore, we care more about the law than the relationships while China cares more about relationships than the law. Singapore is a multi-racial country with people of different races and religions whereas China is a country where the people are generally Chinese.

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