Sunday 26 March 2017

Why Can't Singaporeans Be Complacent & Why Is Our Relationship With China Important?

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To grow from a 3rd world to a 1st world country, it is not something easy to do. It is all thanks to the previous generations of Singapore who put in their blood, sweat and tears that Singapore is what it is today. In order to let Singapore continue to succeed, we must follow the footsteps of the previous generations and at the same time, show and teach the younger generations how Singapore can stay as successful as today. As a small nation, we should not be complacent, especially when we are working and competing with the big nations. We should always be on our toes, stay alerted to the changes around us and keep improving in order to keep up with the world and to be recognised. If Singaporeans are complacent, we would definitely start to fall downwards and other countries would definitely catch up or even go ahead of us due to the tense economy competitions between countries. 

It is important for Singapore to keep spurring on but we should not forget about maintaining a good relationship with China. China is one of Singapore's biggest investment and Singapore is one of China's biggest investment hence it is important for both countries to have a good relationship and work closely together to achieve something big. If one country were to be complacent, it will surely not bring any benefits for both countries, especially Singapore. If China were to have a little loss, Singapore will have a big loss, and when it goes down, it really goes down very fast. Hence, it is important that Singaporeans are not being complacent and Singapore should maintain a good relationship with China.

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