Sunday 26 March 2017

Should Singapore Continue To Share Her Development Experiences With Other Countries?

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From the Suzhou Industrial Park, I learnt that Singapore and China have different ways of dealing things due to different cultures, which caused some misunderstandings. The Suzhou Industrial Park project was not a successful one for Singapore, however, Singapore did not give up in working with China, but instead, Singapore find her own way out and continued their second partnership with China, the Tianjing Eco-City which turned out to be a success. From this, I learnt that when we are faced with difficulties, we should never ever give up and that we should find a way to get to our feet again. 

I personally think that Singapore should continue to share her development with other countries. This is because Singapore is a country with lack of natural resources, hence it is important to get "help" from other countries. We can do so by sharing our development experiences with other countries. This way, both parties will get benefits, other countries will get to know how to manage their country better and would want to work with Singapore, leading to a good relationship between the two countries. Singapore will also have a chance to start businesses overseas and this will help in boosting the country's economic growth, helping her to climb higher.

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